About Sèvres Magazine


The « Sèvres » Magazine of the Friends of the Sèvres Museum Society (FSMS) was created in 1992.
From 1955 to 1977, the association had published the Cahiers de la céramique, du verre et des arts du feu.

Intended for lovers and friends of ceramics, the « Sèvres » magazine is a magazine of reference in the domain of ceramics. Each issue presents a selection of papers abundantly illustrated, concerning ceramics and related arts, from Antiquity to present-day period. The papers are written by most eminent scholars, experts and museum curators. The magazine is complemented by the presentation of  more general information in the domain of ceramic arts : exhibitions, papers, catalogues and books recently issued. See Contents of Sèvres Magazines.

The « Sèvres » magazine of the year is included in the FSMS membership fee.

The Société des Amis du musée national de Céramique, in accordance with its purpose of furthering the study and appreciation of ceramics and arts du feu in relation with the collections of the Sèvres Museum, decided to open to everyone in 2023 the contents of the issues N° 1 to 28 (years 1992 to 2019) of the « Sèvres » Magazine. These contents are accessible online to the scientists, curators, dealers, amateurs, students, on the platform Persée.
Link: https://www.persee.fr/collection/sevre

The following issues of the « Sèvres » Magazine » will be put online with three years time-lag, to insure the attractiveness of the original periodical.

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