About the lectures and Evening courses


The Friends of the Sèvres Museum Society organize monthly lectures from January to June and in December, and on-line lectures. Moreover, since 2015 the Society proposes a cycle of Evening courses on the history and techniques of ceramics.

Monthly lectures

The Society gathers 7 times a year, generally in the premises of Sèvres, Manufacture & Musée nationaux, to attend lectures (in French), followed by a cocktail with the lecturer. Highly attended, lectures also provide members with time and place to meet and exchange in a convivial and informal manner.

From 1985 till 2020, more than 230 personalities, museum curators, specialists and collectors have been invited as lecturers by the FSMS.

Entrance fee of €11 per lecture (€16 for a couple), possibility for the FSMS Members to take out a season subscription.

Please, consult the yearly programs of lectures from 2005 to 2023Lectures reports are proposed for the period April 2005 – beginning of 2020.

On-line lectures

In consideration of the difficulty of organizing room lectures since March 2020 due to the sanitary constraints, the FSMS decided to propose on-line lectures starting in October 2020 in addition to the monthly lectures. They take place on Monday or Tuesday from 7 to 8 pm Paris time.

You are invited to discover the programme in the Chapter  On-line lectures

Evening courses on ceramics

The FSMS set up in 2015, with the support of Sèvres, National Manufactory & Museum, 4-year cycles of courses and lectures on the history and techniques of ceramics. This activity is open to members and non members of the Friends of the Sèvres Museum Society. The lectures are given in French by curators and specialists in the domain. 

The first cycle was organized from 2015 to 2018.

A second 4-session cycle of courses started in 2019. The first session took place in September – December 2019, the second from September 2021 to January 2022. The third session, from September to December 2022, was devoted to Ceramics of the 17th and 18th centuries.

You are invited to discover the programme in the Chapter Evening courses on ceramics