Collections on line

This link presently provides access to the issues N° 1 to 28 of the “Sèvres” Magazine (1992 to 2019), scientific annual publication of the Société des Amis du musée national de Céramique.…

This address of the web site of the French Ministry of Culture proposes catalogues of collections from museums partners of the project in the different regions of France, in the following domains : decorative arts, archeology, ethnology, history, science and technology. E.g., in the region Ile de France, the Museum of Sèvres, Cité de la céramique is a partner of the project.

This site, created by the photo agency of the Réunion des musés nationaux et du Grand Palais des Champs Elysées, opens up access to near 800 000 photographs of works of art collected in museums in France. To succeed in a search, precise terms must be used.

The Department Sciences et techniques of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) proposes on Gallica, the digital library of the BnF, an access devoted to the digital collections of the BnF concerning the arts of ceramics, glass, enamels, metals: reference books, monographs, historical studies etc…

This link gives access to the collection of contemporary ceramics (1955-2005) of the Museum of Sèvres, Cité de la céramique. On-line catalogue realized by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux.

This link gives access to the collection of  the
Musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris
Musée Nissim de Camondo,… in particular the Sèvres porcelain services with “Buffon” birds in landscape.

This link gives access to the collection of oriental ceramics offered by Ernest Grandidier to the Louvre Museum in 1894; the collection was transferred to Guimet Museum in 1945. On-line catalogue realized by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux.

This link provides direct on-line access to objects of the collections of Museums in the Région Hauts de France.

This links gives on-line access to the collections of museums in the Région Nouvelle Aquitaine in France. Keyword for ceramics collections: “Domaine : Céramique”.…

This link provides direct on-line access to the collections of the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. Search the domain of interest with the relevant keyword (e.g. Sèvres porcelain).

This link provides direct on-line access to the ceramics collection of the Wallace Collection in London.

This site (in German) provides on-line access to the porcelain collection (Porzellan Sammlung) of the Zwinger, part of the Art Museums in Dresden, Germany (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden).

The ceramics collections of the Metropolitan Museum in New York are directly accessible from the link above ; 30000 ceramics are proposed.

Link with a web site (in German) realized under the responsability of Wilhelm Joliet. It displays decorated tiles produced in Netherlands which can be seen in different palaces in Europe.

Link with a web site (in German) realized under the responsability of Wilhelm Joliet. This site gives an overview of the history of decorated tiles produced in different countries.